Company history
Best service and know-how - since 1929
1929 | Founded in Hamburg by Alfons Köster and Willy Julius on October 1st. |
1970 | Fritz Wessel joins the company as a partner |
1978 | Founding of the GmbH |
1982 | Establishment of the branch in Stuttgart |
1985 | Establishment of the branch in Frankfurt |
1990 | Establishment of the branch in Prague, Czech Republic |
2000 | Olaf Wessel, Frank Wessel and Heinz Losert are appointed additional managing directors |
2003 | Establishment of the branch in Düsseldorf |
2009 | Panagiotis Vasilopoulos is appointed Managing Director |
2010 | Establishment of the branch in Shanghai Establishment of the branch in Bremen |
2013 | Establishment of the branch in Tauberbischofsheim |
2014 | Establishment of the branch in Munich |
2022 | Ole Wessel joins the company |
2024 | Wolfgang Koss and Evangelos Ioannidis are appointed additional managing directors |